DEC 23:
Minnensota Timberwolves this time. Kevin McHale, Kevin Love, Al Jefferson, Sebastian Telfair, and Jason Collins
all signed for me. Overall, probably the friendliest team I've gotten. Every player was willing to sign, and some were willing
to do multiples.
DEC 14:
Oklahoma City Thunder were in town tonight. I got Kevin Durant, Jeff Green, and Kyle Weaver.
Josh Hamilton signed 3/3 from September 2. My best success ever.
DEC 10:
Today, I got the Atlanta
Hawks. Mike Bibby (index card), Speedy Claxton, Joe Johnson, Acie Law, Zaza Pachulia, and Josh Smith (8x10). Just barely missed
Dominique Wilkins, and Marvin Williams.
DEC 3:
I got Allen Iverson, Tayshaun Prince, Rodney Stuckey, Dave
Cowens, and Michael Curry. One Iverson and the Stuckey are for Trade.
DEC 2:
Last night, I got my first NBA
graph at a hotel (I've only ever gotten them at games, and its been almost 5 years since I got a current NBA player). Rodney
Stuckey signed for all 3 people there, and was very friendly. Even did inscriptions. I was there for 3 hours, and the other
2 guys were there all day, and Stuckey is the only player that acknowledged any of us. Iverson never came down from his room,
but his bodyguards told us to come back in the morning. So thats what I'll be doing today.
NOV 5:
I got a card I bought off eBay. A dual signed by Joe Blanton and Scott Kazmir. Added scan to Purchased section.
NOV 4:
My first TTM of the month: John Rocker. 1/1 in 8 Days.
Yesterday: I got some stuff in from a trade. 2001 Topps Steve Woodward, Wiki Gonzales, Benji Gil, and a triple signed
by Travis Hafner, Eric Munson, and Bucky Jacobsen. I also got a certified Rich Harden. These wil be listed in the October
Trades, because thats when I made them.
I also made a new Youtube video of me opening those and a bonus box of A&G.
OCT 31:
Got Dave Veres and Luis Cotto autographs for my sets in a trade, and got the Blue Jays fan pack.
OCT 29:
Got an envelope from Vince Papale. It had a signed personalized photo in it. Scan added to football, in the "Other Sports"
OCT 28:
Got fan packs from the Royal, Red Sox, and Rangers. Fenway Dirt!!. I put detailed info on what I got on my forum, because
This is is about Autos, and there were none in the Fan Packs. I also picked up 7 cards in a trade for my Topps set.
Vladimir Nunez, Matt Mantei, Jason Bere, Jason Tyner, Ben Davis, Scott Elarton, and Sean Casey. Pic added to the trades
OCT 25:
Got my Orlando Magic fan pack yesterday. It included an autographed 8x10 of J.J. Redick #'d /3000. Easily the the
best fan back I've got so far (even without the auto).
OCT 23:
I got Orioles and Brewers fan packs. They were pretty decent. I also got the complete 2001 Topps set, so I'm no longer
looking for the unsigned cards. But I still only have about 1/10th of the set signed, so check my updated checklist in the
Autographed Sets page for anything you can help me with.
I also ordered another Bonus Box of Allen & Ginter, so I'll have a video of the break up on youtube soon.
OCT 21:
The Indians fan pack... wasn't really even worth the email I sent. I know it was free, but c'mon... The best thing in
it was the 2008 Pocket Schedule. It also had a little magnet with the Season Ticket phone number, and 2 xerox copies
of some pages out of a childrens activity book.
I also sent out some more requests.
OCT 20:
Vince Papale answered my email already. Told me how he loves San Antonio, and he's coming to town in January for the
All-American bowl. Also, that he'll be sending me an autographed photo soon. great guy.
Also got a nice response from the Orioles, saying I'll be getting a fan pack soon, and they hope to see me at the Yard
(which won't be happening).
I got the Indians fan pack, but I'm still having things delivered to the old address until I find a more permanent residence.
So I won't be able to see whats in it until tomorrow morning.
OCT 19:
Got my mail from the old house. Received some cards I ordered. Christian Guzman, Chris Stynes, Keith McDonald, Marlon
Anderson, Scott Downs, Jace Brewer, Pablo Ozuna, Brian Digby, David Espinosa, Dan Moylan, and Buck Martinez. All for my 2001
Also sent Vince Papale an email.
OCT 18:
I sent a couple more fan pack requests via email to the Orlando Magic and the Spurs.
OCT 15:
I added a new set to the Autographed Sets page.
I've decided to try my luck and see if I get any
fan packs back from MLB teams. So I'm sending some emails to some
I found on google, and hoping I get something back. I saw someone get a
Fan Pack from the Orlando Magic of the NBA, that included
an autographed 8x10 of J.J. Reddick. So I'm looking for the address to
send send a request to them. Hopefully I'll get something
like that. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it.
I already got a Mailer Daemon RTS Failure from the Dodgers, A response from the Mets and Twins saying I need to physically
mail my request, and a response from the Indians saying I'll be receiving a package in the next few weeks.
OCT 12:
Yesterday brought Luis Alicea in 12 Days. Also added a new link in the related links page.
OCT 3:
Got back Tony LaRussa c/o the Cardinals in 20 Days.
Moved September's updates to the Archives page.
That mystery envelope turned out to be Michael Cuddyer.
SEP 29:
RTS from the Padres, Brett Tomko No Longer with Team, and another envelope arrived at my house. I recently moved, so
I have to go pick it up. I'll know what it is tomorrow, but its Postmarked Minnesota. so it has to be Mike Lamb,
Adam Everett, or Michael Cuddyer.
SEP 28:
Yesterday brought Eddie Guardado (c/o Rangers before being traded to Minnesota). And a trade from my forum, of Jason
Taylor (2008 Draft Pick).
I'm also re-arranging the site to save bandwidth. Combining the TTM Successes and Scans pages. From now on, just click
the players name in the success page to see scans. Same with IP and everything else that has 2 pages.
SEP 22:
Got back a 50/50 of Sean Burnett on a 2001 Topps.
SEP 12:
Got back another 50/50 that included autographs from Davis Romero, Buck Coats, Omir Santos, and Kevin Mench. Scans added
to the 50/50s page.
SEP 11:
Got in 3 envelopes in the mail today. RTS from the Padres (Tony Clark). Cody Satterwhite kept my jersey card, and replaced
it with a regular card in a top loader and even taped it to keep it safe. And I got back a 50/50 of Ricky Orta and Carlos
SEP 5:
Got in a TTM return from Mike DiFelice, but the mailman folded it in half. The Missions made the playoffs, but They've
lost the first 2 of a best of 5 series, and I doubt they'll win the game tonight, so my In Person successes will probably
almost stop until Next season. So the site will slow down pretty drastically. But it's not going to die. I've also been moving,
so I haven't been able to update the Youtube channel. To keep updated better, you should join my Forum.
AUG 31:
Last update for the month. Got my 4th homerun of the year last night. Just happens to be my 3rd from Kyle Blanks. Also got
Steve Garrison and Ernesto Frieri. Got in a big one from a trade with a friend who went to a Midland game. He got me Adrian
Cardenas and Jared Lansford, so I gave him a Matt Joyce. Another friend gave me an Andres Torres for my 2001 Fleer Tradition
Update set.
TTM: Brad Ausmus in 15 Days, and an RTS from Jim Tracy.
AUG 29:
Got Eric Young back after 43 Days.
AUG 28:
Yesterday, I got back Jamey Wright TTM after 3 months. Signed 2/2.
AUG 23:
Got a TTM return from Jamie Moyer. Took about 2 months. Also got a 50/50 of Brandon Fahey that came with a Terrence Long.
AUG 22:
Got Some stuff for a 50/50 tonight.
Terry Kennedy 9/9,
Matt Buschmann 2/2,
Craig Cooper 1/1,
Elvis Andrus 2/3,
Dustin Majewski 2/2,
Brandon Puffer 1/1,
Terry Clark 1/1,
Scott Coolbaugh 1/1,
Julio Borbon 1/1. None will be listed in the IP charts or scans because they weren't for me, and I don't have the time right
now. But all of them were really friendly. Even Elvis, who is getting tired of seeing me. He's still nice enough to sign and
won't tell anyone no, even though he's seen the same group of 5 or 6 people all year.
I also received back a Matt Joyce 50/50 I sent out. Scans soon.
AUG 21:
Last Night I got Blalock on a GU Diamond Kings card and somehow caught another Kyle Blanks homerun. I had to get someone else
to ask him to sign it for, because I think he's tired of seeing me. Its Not for trade unless someone makes the right offer.
AUG 19:
Hank Blalock and Chad Tracy from Frisco signed tonight. Will be going tomorrow with more because I didn't know Blalock was
AUG 17:
Opened 2 bonus boxes of 2008 Allen & Ginter. Check the Product Reviews section.
AUG 11:
Got 2 more Rafael Rodriguez cards For Trade. Also got Eric Owens for my Topps Set, and just happened to be going through the
Fleer Tradition set and found him on a Team Leaders card, and got the signed as well.
Got back a 50/50 of Ben Julianel as well.
AUG 10:
Finally got Adam Morrissey to sign a Broken bat I found about 5 years ago. Also got Adam Greenberg, and Mark Trumbo.
AUG 9:
Last night, got the the stadium in the 9th inning, and watched Colt Morton finally get an RBI. He hit a walk off single. I
got him to sign the Artifacts card I pulled from that box break last week. He had to show it off to the other players before
he signed it though.
Got in some cards I bought. 7 autos for $1. Dave Veres, Jason Kaanoi, Ricardo Rodriguez, Gary Harris (ft), Wilton Chavez,
and (2) Casey Abrams.
AUG. 8:
Last night, got Jess Todd on 2 more, one is FT. Also got Kyle Mura. It was Will Inman t-shirt night, they handed out 1500
of them. 8000 people showed up, the largest crowd of the year. I got will to sign the one I got. I also FINALLY caught a Kyle
Blanks homerun ball (I've been trying to all year).
Also got Drew Rundle and Hank Conger in a trade.
Tony Muser was in town again, so I finally got him on my set card. Also got Daryl Jones, Allen Craig, Jess Todd, and Derrick
Got a few more Frisco players last night. Elvis, Jose Vallejo, and Julio Borbon signed a Rangers Sticker for me, and Borbon
signed some cards.
I didn't mention it on the update from the second, but after that game, Kyle Blanks tossed his batting gloves over the roof
of the dugout, and I got them. But I couldn't see who had thrown them, so I wasn't sure who they belonged to. I asked a couple
of players, and Josh Alley told me they were Blanks'. No one else had any Idea. I missed him that night, so I didn't get them
signed until tonight. They were indeed his. I also got another David Parrish 01 Topps (FT), and Steve Murphy.
I also got 2 TTM successes today. I don't remember getting more than one at a time before, so I think this is the first time.
Mark Kotsay and Greg Norton both from the Braves. I also got in 2 trades.
Just opened a box of 2008 UD Artifacts. Check the Product Reviews.
AUGUST 2, 2008:
Frisco RoughRiders in town last night. Got Neftali Perez, Dustin Majewski, and Elvis Andrus. Last 2 are FT. Almost had Julio
Borbon, but he had to hurry to the bus. He was really cool about it though. Also got a J.R. House 2001 Topps as a gift from
a friend. Its a triple with Ramon Castro and Ben Davis, So I might try those guys TTM with it.
Moved the July Updates to the Archives.
JULY 31:
A good week TTM wise. Scott Heard signed my 2001 Topps double with David Parrish in 12 days. Scan added to TTM scans, and
video of the arrival on youtube.
JULY 30:
Pat Neshek signed 4/5 in 11 Days. Kept one, and I also donated a Jimmy Barthmaier card to his Charity.
I also decided to try something new with the way I open my TTM returns.
Since I never know who they are until I open the envelope,
I decided to make videos (similar to Pack Busting videos). Of course,
since its my first video, its no where near perfect.
It's also very Dark. I need to do something about the lighting.
JULY 28:
Probably my biggest TTM success so far this year (although thats not saying much), but Ryan Dempster signed 2/2 in 14 days
c/o the Cubs.
Updated the Related Links with some more sites I go to a lot. Check them out.
Also added a website quick submission form at the bottom of the links page. Use that if you have a site of your own.
JULY 24:
Got another card in a Trade. Ross Ohlendorf. Check the trade scans page.
JULY 23:
Finally, a new team last night. I was getting tired of seeing Midland. From Corpus Christi I got: Luis Pujols, Eli Iorg, Evan
Englebrook, Brad James, and Segio Perez. San Diego Padres roving catching instructor Duffy Dyer was in town, so I got him
as well. He was a member of the '69 Amazin' Mets. So I can scratch him off the list of guys I need. Updated the scans pages,
and added some cards to the IP cards section in my trade list.
JULY 22:
The home run I caught the other night inspired me to create a new section of this site. I'll put up scans of all the home
runs I've caught. All of which are signed. Look for it on the Page Navigation on the left.
JULY 21:
Last night, got Chad Huffman on the cover of a program.
And finally caught my first homerun of the season. Aaron Cunningham.
JULY 20:
Trevor Cahill and Billy Owens signed last night.
Also got Ryne Sandberg in a trade.
JULY 19:
Midland again last night.I finally got a fair ball to get signed (I don't keep foul balls). Todd Donovan hit a ground rule
double to lead off the game. Other guys I got: Trevor Cahill (Team Sticker), Jason Windsor, Ryan Webb (FT), and David Parrish.
Also got Jonathan Meloan in a trade.
JULY 17:
Updated the trade list. Its easier for me to just post a link to the scans in my photobucket, than to keep up the list on
here, so I replaced the list with the photobucket link.
JULY 16:
Got in 14 autographs in a trade with Pete, 13 2001 Topps, and a 2005 turkey Red David Dellucci.
Another 6 2001 Topps from Derek, and a Jose Tabata Projections from Jim. All Trades.
JULY 14:
Picked up a couple in a trade. 2001 Topps Peter Bergeron, and Jason Conti/Chris Wakeland (Also has the deceased Brian Cole
JULY 12:
Got Sean Doolittle, Myron Leslie, Jose Garcia, and Brett Anderson.
Got my first Non-Pat Neshek TTM success of the season, Jeremy Papelbon, signed in 9 days.
Got in a few '69 Mets and '61 Yankees from a trade. Ed Kranepool, Bud Harrelson, Tom Tresh, and Hector Lopez. As well as a
2001 Topps Jeff Tam in a separate trade.
JULY 11:
Got Midland last night:
Justin Sellers, Javier Herrera, Anthony Recker, Tommy Everidge, Brian Snyder. Also saw Sean Doolittle's AA Debut. Didn't have
anything for him to sign though.
Also bought a Colt Morton UD SPX Auto Rookie, just because its his only card. And got a second blaster box of 2008 UD 2
JULY 9, 2008:
Made changes to all the scan pages to save bandwidth. Instead of seeing tables with scans in them, You will know see links
to scans hosted by photobucket.
JULY 8, 2008:
Received one in a trade. 2001 Topps Alberto Castillo.
JULY 2, 2008:
First auto of the month, Phil Barzilla.
And I'm 0 for 4 on homerun balls. I missed another Blanks last night.
Also received some cards back from another 50/50, as well as one from eBay (Preston Wilson Bat/Auto). Scans added to 50/50s
and Purchased.
JULY 1, 2008:
Last Night, Eric Young Sr. was in town to see his son play for Tulsa. I got him on a few cards, and the foul ball his son
hit and signed for me earlier in the year. You may recall my story about the foul ball I got when I was 5 that Sr. hit and
then signed, then I got Jr. to sign. Well, now I have a foul ball from both of them, Signed on the sweet spot by the one who
hit it, and signed underneath by the other.
I also got Todd Ritchie for my 2001 Topps set, and Casey Weathers. And a Casey Kotchman ball in a Trade.
Updated Trade List and all Scan pages.
Also made a new Product Review. 2008 Upper Deck Series 2.
JUNE 30, 2008:
Last night, Tulsa came to town. Got everyone I needed except Casey Weathers. Eric Young Sr. is in town for the series to see
his son play. You might remember my story about the foul ball I caught from him when I was a kid and got him to sign. Then
earlier this year I went and Got Jr. to sign it. That same game, I caught one that Jr. hit. I'll be taking that one and a
card tomorrow to get signed.
Also got Nick Stavinoha and Mike Parisi in a trade.
JUNE 29, 2008:
Finished off all my Missions stuff, and Got an Extra Dan Cortes from NWA last night. So tonight I can concentrate on all the
Tulsa stuff I have. I got a lot of things to get signed, but only a few are for me. The rest are parts of 50/50's I'm doing
for other people. I don't post scans or charts on the stuff I get for other people, thats why there wasn't too much I reported
on this week.
I also got back my first 50/50 I sent out this year. Philippe Valiquette on two 2006 Bowman's. One is for trade.
JUNE 27, 2008:
Last night, knocked out everything I needed for NWA. Still have a few extras left, but not much. I also made a custom Triple
card based on the 2001 Topps design, and got all 3 players to sign it. Craig Cooper, Chad Huffman, Kyle Blanks. Chad liked
it so much, he asked me for one, So I'll be taking him one tomorrow. The one I made for him, came out better than the one
I got signed. It looks like its actually from the set.
JUNE 26, 2008:
Going to a game tonight, Northwest Arkansas vs. Missions. Got a bunch of stuff I need to get signed.
Also, I started a new myspace page to help get the word out about this site and the forum.
Add Me!
JUNE 22, 2008:
Got sunburned Yesterday at the Sam Hurd Celebrity Golf Tournament/Football Camp. Wasn't really worth it. None of the players
that were supposed to be there showed up. Terrell Owens, DeMarcus Ware, Marion Barber, Adam "Pacman" Jones were all supposed
to be there. T.O. might have actually showed up, but he had personal affairs to attend to earlier in the week and had to take
a leave of absence from the Cowboys.
So the only guys I got were Sam Hurd, Deon Anderson, Courtney Brown, and Alonzo Coleman.
I made a new section called "Other Sports" with scans of my football and basketball autographs.
JUNE 20, 2008:
Got in my first TTM success in a while. Just happens to be the same guy I got my last one from. Pat Neshek signed in 17 Days
c/o the Twins. He signed the back of my A-Rod Road to 500 #460 with the inscription "I should not have thrown that pitch!"
He also included an International League Top Prospect card because I sent him a Jerry Reuss autograph.
Also got Josh Papelbon in a trade.
JUNE 18, 2008:
Got 2 more Jose Oyervidez and 2 more Evan Englebrook cards for the trade list. Got Neil Jamison (finally) for my team set,
and Reed Ryan (Nolan's son, Owner of the Hooks) on a CIC. Hoping to get his brother Reese tonight.
Also added a new Example of a Fake. Carlos Lee.
Would also appreciate it if you could join my forum. Get it going.
JUNE 17, 2008:
Last night was the Corpus Christi Hooks. Got Ole Sheldon, Mitch Einertson, Tip Fairchild, and Lou Santangelo. Added a Fairchild
and Einertson to the Trade list.
Also received 2 cards for my set in a trade, Warren Morris and Todd Pratt. Scans of all were added appropriately.
Rearranged the Trade Scans page.
June 9, 2008:
Got Joe Mather in a trade.
June 8, 2008:
Just got back from a card show. Got Monte Irvin on a '55 Topps, Meadowlark Lemon (basketball HOF) on an 8x10, and bought a
new product to review in the "Product Reviews" (formerly Box Breaks) page. 2008 Tri-Star SignaCuts. Just read my review of
this god-awful product.
JUNE 6, 2008:
Last night, was HUGE. No IP successes, but I got in some cards in a few trades and a gift from a friend. Altogether just over
60 cards. Yes, over SIXTY autographs. DIFFERENT autographs. I think 58 or 59 came in the gift, and I got 3 more in online
Trades. I can't list all the ones in the gift, but I posted a scan of a few under the Trade Scans. As well as the other cards
I got too.
Another Big thing in site News: As a way to help other collectors out
there, I'm starting a new page on this site called "Example
of a Fake." On it, I will post a scan of an autograph I've accumulated
in my years of collecting that I have personally deemed
Fake. I will then describe whats wrong with it and why I believe it to
be fraudulent.
JUNE 5, 2008:
Finished off Frisco Last night, so the rest of the homestand I'll be getting Mission's guys for some 50/50s.
Got Elvis Andrus 2/2, Dustin Majewski 2/2 (both added to trade List), Trey Hodges 3/3 (didn't want to sign, and signed them
ugly), Tommy Hunter 4/4 (all Tristars, I got them for a friend, kept one), and Alfredo Gonzalez 1/1.
Also picked up some 2001 Fleer Traditions in a trade with Pete. Geoff Blum, Frank Catalonotto, and Mike Lamb.
JUNE 2, 2008:
I added a new section, called 50/50s. I decided to make that option available to people that do not belong to a forum.
Also moved the updates from May to the Archives (like I do every month, and rearranged a few things around the site. Added
June 2008 Pages to the IP Scans and Charts pages.
MAY 28,2008:
Just put a LOT of work into the Forum. PLEASE register for it.
Also added few new pages for my Autographed Sets I'm working on. Click the Autographed Sets link on the left.
MAY 26, 2008:
Day game today, started at noon. Got Eric Owens on a 2001 Fleer Tradition for my set.
Yesterday was kind of a big day. Got Inman and Garrison on my Custom Dual Card. Also got Stephen Marek (06 Bowman Chrome),
Adam Greenberg (04 Bowman), Corey Smith (00 Just), and Ken Patterson (1990 Score, 1989 Donruss Rookies). Put a few on the
trade list, and updated the Scans and Charts.
MAY 25, 2008:
Decided to try my hand at some custom cards tonight. I think they came out good. I borrowed a design from
for Mike Baxter. He's been off to a hot start since being promoted from A-ball, and I haven't gotten him to sign anything.
And I made a Dual Card of my own (basic) design for Steve Garrison and Will Inman.
Also got Hainley Statia on a 2006 Bowman Chrome.
And got some cards in a trade from "BamBam." Phil Humber and Craig Breslow certs.
MAY 24, 2008:
Decided to get Will Inman to sweet spot a ball. Came out nice. Did his full signature, Starting with an actual "W" instead
of his usual one that looks like "RR." Great guy, I believe he's leading the Texas League in K's. He was the big part of the
Deal that sent Scott Linebrink to the Brewers.
MAY 23, 2008:
Last Night, Matt Buschmann signed a couple of 08 Bowman Chromes for me. One if for trade. Also got a few more guys for the
Team Set.
MAY 22, 2008:
Two more IP's from the Springfield Cardinals. Clayton Mortenson, and Adam Ottovino. I also changed the forum, to a new one.
A Better one. The same one Pat Neshek uses.
MAY 19, 2008:
No luck at the Rangers/Astros game.
Added a NEW section called "Box Breaks" where I'll post box and pack breaks to show what I pull, as well as scans of what
I got.
MAY 16, 2008:
Got a Francisco Liriano in a trade. And the Missions Team Set came out last night. So I started on that.
Craig Cooper, Struck out swinging in extra innings, then turned around and broke the bat over his knee. A friend of mine got
it after the game and gave it to me. Craig signed it laughing.
I'll be going up to Arlington this weekend for the Rangers/Astros game on Sunday. I'll update on Monday if I get anything.
MAY 13, 2008:
Last night, the Corpus Christi Hooks (Astros) were in town. Got 8 different people, on 11 cards, IP. And Received another
5 in a trade with John.
Mitch Einertson 2/2, Luis Pujols 1/3, Jose Oyervidez 2/2, Eli Iorg 1/1, Ray Sadler 1/1, Evan Englebrook 1/1, Chance Douglass
1/1, and Terry Kennedy 2/2. One Kennedy was added to the trade list.
MAY 10, 2008:
Well, 0 for 2 on my homerun opportunities. Some genius grounds crew decided to water the berm just before the game started,
so I slipped in the mud and lost my grip on Tommy Everidge's 7th of the year.
With the Padres releasing Edmonds, they Promoted Jody Gerut from AAA,
and then took the only reliable bullpen pitcher we had
here to Portland. Edwin Moreno was Promoted three nights ago. He was
replaced by Lee Gwaltney, formerly of the Phillies organization.
He gave up 8 runs in his debut inning. Nice guy though, signed an 04
Bowman for me, and Ryan Webb signed an 07 Bowman Chrome.
Also got roving instructors Gary Jones, and Greg Riddoch on a 3x5.
Also got in some cards from a trade with Pete. Kenny Lofton, Lew Ford Turkey Red, Adam Johnson 2001 Topps, and Sean Burnett
2001 Topps.
MAY 9, 2008:
Narrowly missed my first homerun of the year last night. Sean Kazmar hit one down the line that rolled up the berm to some
kid. No big loss. I even helped the kid get it signed after the game instead of being insulted like other people on the berm
were. I was still disappointed because I almost had it. But Ray Chang made it up to me, by tossing me one of his batting gloves
right at the end of the game. Brett Dowdy broke 2 bats during the game and when I asked him for one, he looked at me then
walked off into the clubhouse. I stood there a little while longer (and thats when Chang threw me the glove), then walked
off to wait by the exit with the other 'graphers. Brett Dowdy came out, saw me and said "Did you get it? I sent the batboy
to give it to you right after you asked." I said no, and that I was there a few minutes after I asked and the batboy never
came out. He said, "Oh, sorry about that. But there will be plenty more, so You'll get one eventually." I added a scan of
the Chang to the IP scans.
I received a box in the mail today for a trade from April in MA. She sent me a Brandon Wood 2006 Arkansas Travelers BP jersey,
and Chad Huffman Signed batting gloves for game used bats of Matt Tuiasosopo, Rene Rivera, and Marshall Hubbard. The Tui and
Hubbard were signed. I added a scan of one of the Huff's to the trade scans.
MAY 8, 2008:
Got Todd Donovan and Aaron Cunningham of the Midland Rockhounds. Added Scans to the IP Scans, and added a Donovan to the Trade
list. The one I added to the trade list is much nicer than the one in the scan.
MAY 6, 2008:
I have decided to downsize my collection some, to make room for new additions. So I will be going through everything I have,
making some tough decisions about things I don't want to part with, and adding them to my trade list. The first two additions
to the list are: a 1977 Topps Glenn Abbott that I got IP last year, and a 2006 (or 2005, don't remember) Upper Deck Sweet
Spot Classics Base Card of HOF Tony Perez which I got 2 years ago IP. I'm trading this, because, well.. I really don't need
a ball, and 4 cards signed by him. I really don't need more than 1 card signed by anyone, but I can't let those others go.
I'll add a scan to the trade list.
MAY 5, 2008:
Got in some cards through a trade with Aaron. Fred McGriff, Jim Thome, Chone Figgins, Matt Holliday, and 2 Phil Hughes. One
Hughes was signed with a Fine Point pen, and I have added that to the Trade list.
MAY 4, 2008:
Changed a few things throughout the site, the big one being the new
"Favorite Items" section. Just a few things from my memorabilia
collection I had before starting this site, that I think are worth
I also FINALLY got in to Pat Neshek's Message board. I'm freezeover98 on there.
MAY 3, 2008:
Yesterday, I worked out the details of my first online trade since starting this site, I'll post all that info when the deal
is done. After that, went to a game, again. I decided I had to get Elvis Andrus on the sweet spot of a ball. Totally worth
it. They say he may become the Number 1 Prospect in ALL of baseball. He's already the Rangers #1. He signed it, but not one
of his nicest signatures. They can't all be perfect. But it still looks really good on a ball. And, as I mentioned in the
previous post about getting a player to inscribe something worth while on a ticket stub: One of my favorite players to come
through here, Steve Murphy, Homered twice. So he signed the ticket stub for me and inscribed "Two Homeruns." Funny thing about
it though, he accidently put "To:" instead of "Two" and had to write the W over it. Last year, Nick Hundley did THE EXACT
SAME THING. Except Murph's came out better.
MAY 2, 2008:
Last night, got Chad Huffman on a 2007 Just Minors Just Autographs card. And 3 guys for the trade list. Max Ramirez 2006 Bowman
Chrome, Ben Harrison 2005 Bowman, and Warner Madrigal 2005 Just Autographs.
I found a game-used bat card of Magglio Ordonez, that I didn't even Know I had. And since I've had a few of his, I thought
I'd take a big chance and see if he'd sign it TTM. I haven't heard of anyone getting successes from him, nor even sending
to him. So maybe he doesn't get as much fan mail as other stars of the same caliber. But yeah, I'm probably just throwing
a piece of game-used memorabilia in the trash. It's worth a shot though.
I also Just thought of something new to try. If theres a player in the Texas League, who's autograph you would be willing
to trade for, that I don't have anything of them to trade, I can try to get a Ticket Stub signed by them. I've done that for
years, when there was someone I wanted, but didn't have a card of, and didn't want to waste a ball on, I'd have them sign
a ticket stub. After a while, I started having them inscribe things on them, like if they hit a homerun that game. So I have
autographed ticket stubs with "HR" inscribed from guys like Billy Butler, Hunter Pence, Joe Koshansky, Brandon Wood, Adam
Jones, etc. None of those are for trade of course, but, If theres someone in the TL that you'd be willing to trade for, let
me know. And if they do something worthwhile that game, I'll even get the inscription for you. Just send me an email, like
you would a normal trade request, and list what you have to offer, and we'll work something out.
MAY 1, 2008:
Went Last night again, and got the last autographs of the month. Corey Ragsdale and Dustin Majewski EACH signed a 2006 Bowman,
and Bowman Chrome. The Chromes will be added to the Trade list. Max Ramirez only does one per person, So I wasn't able to
get anything for the trade list. I also got Chris Davis to sweet spot a foul ball I caught. (but he didn't hit it). And that
finishes up the Month of April. The Previous updates have been moved to the archives, and starting the next time I get an
In Person signature, there will be a May 2008 Scans page added.
APRIL 30, 2008:
The Frisco Rough Riders are in town. Went Last night and got Max
Ramirez 2006 Bowman Originals, Elvis Andrus 2006 Bowman Originals
Blue (#204/249), Warner Madrigal 2004 Bowman Heritage and 2004 Bowman.
And from the Missions I got Craig Cooper on 2007 Bowman
Chrome and an X-Fractor (#213/250). Cooper told me it was the first one
he's seen, making it a 1/1. I'll probably go again
to get Ramirez on some 2006 Bowman and Bowman Chrome cards for the
trade list.
APRIL 21, 2008:
Caught Webster Garrison finally after last night's game. And got Jesus Guzman to finish off the cards I had. So I have added
a 2007 Bowman Jesus Guzman card to the Trade list. Made a few updates around the site, Like changing the name of this page
from "Blog/News" to "Updates". I also changed the format of the In Person Scans page. Scans will be organized by month from
now on. So when going to the scans page, you'll have to click the month to view the scans. TTM Scans will eventually follow
that format, but when I start getting more. I don't usually like to send stuff out during the season, I do most during ST.
And I had a bad one this year, so that might slow down my pace for the rest of the year and next year.
I've also decided to try an experiment, and sent a 2006 Topps Greg Maddux/Michael Barret to Maddux. I haven't heard of anyone
getting a success from him in a long time. I got him TTM years ago, when he was still with the Braves. And I know he has a
habit of returning the wrong cards, but I figured if I somehow get this one back signed, I'll send it to Barret too. And Barret
is another guy I haven't heard of anyone having success with.
APRIL 19, 2008:
Went again last night, to catch guys I missed because of the rain. Didn't get any Midland players, but finished off all the
Missions stuff I had. Sean Kazmar signed last year's team set card, Terry Kennedy signed '79 and '89 Topps cards, Marshall
MacDougall signed an 06 Topps, and Seth Johnston signed the sweet spot of a ball and inscribed "Hook 'em Horns" on it. Born
and Raised here and San Antonio, graduated from the University of Texas. Was a part of the College World Series Championship
team in '03. So, naturally, he's one of the more popular players on the team. Not a big time prospect, but I think he'll have
a better season than anyone expects of him.
APRIL 18, 2008:
Been a while since my last update. Been kinda busy lately. Went to a game tonight, got there late, so I figured I'd just get
graphs after the game... But, thats hard to do when the game goes 16 innings, then starts pouring down rain immediately after.
I got 2 today at least. Tom Gamboa was charting the game. He's a roving instructor for the Padres best known for being attacked
by two drunken idiots in Chicago in the middle of a game. You remember that, right? few years ago, he was the first base coach
for Kansas City, and 2 guys jumped him during the game. Both benches cleared just to beat the crap out of those guys. And
I got my old friend (not really) Jesus Guzman to sign an 07 X-fractor. Which he had never seen before, so its the first one
he ever signed, automatically making it a 1/1. The guy played for the Missions 3 years, then once he's gone, they finally
make a card of him. He got picked up by Oakland in the offseason, and is Midland's best hitter right now.
APRIL 8, 2008:
Went to the game tonight with some friends, not planning to do any
graphing. One of the other regulars worked a 5 card trade
with me, I got Tsuyoshi Shinjo, Mike DiFelice, Brian Myrow, Chip Ambres
and Carney Lansford for Nic Jackson, Charlie Culbersone,
Jackson Williams, John Barrat, David Aardsma, and Bobby Brownlie. Yes,
I know thats 6 for 5, but he threw in a Marshall McDougall
unsigned that I didn't have, and I got it signed after the game. I also
bought a Ben Brousard auto, because it was too cheap
to pass up, and I like the guy. So I added 2 new pages, Trade Scans and
Purchased Scans.
APRIL 7, 2008:
Well, let me start off with a story. When I was 5 years old, I went to my first baseball game. Back at V.J. Keafe Stadium.
I really don't remember anything about it, but the one thing I do remember, is a foul ball rolling to my feet, and me holding
it in the air really excited. It came off the bat of Eric Young. Of course I didn't know that (or care). I wanted to play
with it. My cousin was a big memorabilia collector at the time and wouldn't let me. Of course, me being 5 years old, I lost
interest in it when I wasn't allowed to play with it, and forgot it on the bench when I left. My cousin, however, didn't.
He kept it, and got Young to sign it. Black sharpie, on the sweet spot. About a year ago, I was helping him move, and found
it in a box, I recognized the signature as Young's but didn't know it was the same ball I had caught. He told me the story,
then told me to take the ball home since it was rightfully mine. After more than 15 years, I got my first foul ball back.
Today, the Tulsa Drillers were in town, with star 2nd baseman, Eric Young, Jr. I got him to sign the ball before the game
under his father's signature, and told him the story. He laughed and went back into the dugout, and I went to my seat. In
his first at bat, Young Jr. fouled one down the left field line and it rolled out to Chad Huffman in left field, he scooped
it up and tossed it to me (since I was the only person in the area). Young then hit the next pitch into the gap for a triple.
(He went on to have 3 triples.) In the 5th inning, his bat broke off at the handle and went flying into the stands. An Usher
(must have been a new guy) immediately jerked the bat out of the guy who caught it's hands, and took down and dropped it in
the dugout. I thought that was weird. So, when the game was over, I went to Young to get him to sign the foul ball he hit,
and he handed me the bat! He had borrowed it from Brian Esposito, and since both players had used it, I got both to sign it.
So I got Young on the 2 baseballs, the Bat, and also got Duke Sardinha, Dexter Fowler, and Neil Wilson on cards.
APRIL 5, 2008:
Update from last night. Another Missions game. Got Matt Buschmann, and Mananger Bill Masse, Hitting Coach and Former ML All
Star Terry Kennedy. Also separated the scans into two groups, TTM, and In Person. Will eventually add Scan sections for pack
pulls, and Purchased autos. Updated the weekly poll, this one is better than last weeks, I promise. I was going to give a
trivia question and send the winner an autograph Prize, like NBO used to do. But I'm not getting enough responses. Once I
start getting enough, I'll start giving away things. So spread the word.
APRIL 4, 2008:
Got Pat Neshek in the mail today, and added some cards to the trade list.
Last night was Opening Night for the Missions. I had no cards of any of
the NW Arkansas Naturals players, and only one of
the Missions. But got a Team Signed ball from the Missions, as well as
Grady Fuson himself who was in town for the trophy
ceremony for the 2007 Championship. And Kyle Blanks on a card. Also had
a chance to ask him about the Great Wall of China.
I asked him how he liked it, and if he was the only player to make it
all the way to the top, because he's the only one mentioned
in the article. He said he wasn't. A few guys from last years team
remember me, and they're all nice guys so I guess thats
a good thing.
APRIL 1, 2008
Another new feature, I decided that at the end of every month, I will move updates from this page to a new "Archives" page.
So, check that page out for all previous updates.
The AA season is about to start, so here's a list of guys I'm excited to see come through the Texas League. Of course theres
more, and other big names, but these are the ones I'm looking forward to the most.
1B Kyle Blanks should be with the Missions this year, I've been waiting on this one a while now.
2B Eric Young Jr., Tulsa.
OF Eli Iorg, Corpus Christi
IF Hainley Statia, Arkansas
IF Angel Sanchez, Northwest Arkansas
New features are still coming. I just added a guestbook, which is at the bottom of every page. Don't forget about the forum
and weekly poll. I decided that since the current poll was only just put up, it will run for another week. So, next Sunday,
there will be a new question up. Maybe a trivia question.
No successes to day, but I thought I should mention some new features. A Forum, and a Weekly Poll. The forum is free to sign
up, and hopefully will eventually become a place for collectors to get together and talk about the hobby, successes, arrange
trades, etc. No topics or threads yet, but that wont happen unless people sign up. Its free, so why not?
Got one in the mail from spring training finally. Willie Randolph personalized his rookie for me.
I've made a bunch of little changes through out the site (the formats of the success pages, this page, some new links, etc.).
I'm still putting this site together, if you have any suggestions about something I should add, let me know. BIG UPDATE: FORUM
I've had a Miserable spring training so far, only recieving one response out of all the items I sent. Most of my items were
sent to the Padres, and there was some kind of mix up with the site where I got the address, so I wont be seeing any of those
again, unless by some twist of fate, somewhere forwards the mail to the right place, or gives it to the players when they
are there. Even though they share Peoria Stadium with the Mariners, only the Mariners receive their fan mail directly there.
The Padres have a different address, and unfortunately, I did not catch this until it was too late.