A 50/50 is a deal between two people, where one person sends some things to the other to get signed. The person getting them
signed keeps HALF for themselves. Hence the term, 50/50.
For example: You send me 2 cards of one player, you get one back signed.
This is usually cheaper than asking a player TTM. Because I can do multiple players, all in one shipment. TTM you can
only get one, if you get him at all. At least with me, if something doesn't get signed you'll still get it back.
I can do 50/50's on players in the Texas League. My Hometown team being the San Antonio Missions.
I have a few rules for my 50/50's:
1. Maximum of 4 items per player: Meaning, you get a Maximum of 2 autographs per player. I don't Like bothering players
with a bunch of things to sign. AND, this will help keep me from getting overwhelmed with stuff, as I'm still new.
1a. If you send 4 for a player, at least 2 DIFFERENT items.
2. I reserve the right to refuse Items, As do the players. Any item that is rejected will be sent back unsigned.
3. You must include SASE or enough money to cover return Postage. I don't have the time or money to be taking care of
these things for everyone. If you don't include SASE or Postage Amount, I will have no choice but to Keep your items.
4. No time Limits. Some times it might take a long time to get the items signed. If a player does not sign or gets moved
before I get a chance to get him, all items will be returned to you. Even the ones meant for me to keep.
5. Include a Post-It or some kind of label with your items, so they don't get Mixed with others.
7. No more than 5 different players, OR a MAXIMUM of 20 items. (meaning you get 10 autographs back)
Texas League
Click the link above to view the League. View rosters by going to each team's site.
Items I can take:
Custom Cards
(Make sure I OK everything before you send. DO NOT SEND AN ITEM WITHOUT PERMISSION)
If you're interested in trying a 50/50, let me know.
Contact me here: